Life… with a Baby

Life with a baby changes everything… at least I look like I haven’t changed much (you can’t see the stretch marks and I hide the flub well).  At least I don’t have to do the flub wrap.  Sashi can beat it out of me once I get the okay to get back to bellydancing. 😉

I sleep when he sleeps.  He still randomly sleeps for 2-3 hours, sometimes a little more, but generally that’s the pattern, regardless if I swaddle him or not.  This week Jesse has been out of town on a business trip, so we’ve been staying with Mom and Dad.  It’s been really nice to have a cozy rocking chair nurse in and TV to watch. 😉  As much as they’re not used to having a newborn in the house since me, they are really happy having us around.  Dad especially because Ming Ming will be his little shadow… yes, I made my dad a new little buddy.  Too cute.

At least I got Mom to mail out my package… I finally finished a 19″ box chain necklace for my biggest fan’s hubby and Mom happened to be going out.  Of course I didn’t get a chance to snap photos, shame on me, but I needed to get it out.  Grrr.  At least Mom saved me the hassle of rushing to the post office and rushing back home (new Mom separation anxiety, I’m sure), but I realized that I need 2 things to perfect my mailing system… better packing materials than stuffing the box full of Kleenex and Delivery Confirmation stickers.  I already have a stack of padded envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priority Mail boxes.  Oh, I also need to dig up my address labels and pre-label the boxes, if not the envelopes.  Hey, I just thought of that… not a bad idea.  At least I’ve trained Jesse well enough for him to mail things out.  But Ming Ming and I can easily run to the post office now that lockdown is over.  Dad’s worried about flu season, but it hasn’t started yet, so we’re still in the clear until the weather starts to cool off.

My little dude is growing exponentially.  It’s crazy.  He stares at his reflection in the mirror, he’s starting to smile, and he’s starting to fill out a heck of a lot more.  I understand why everyone says to enjoy this stage while it lasts, because it doesn’t last for very long.  Oy, I guess he is worth the lack of sleep and general zombie feeling.  Here’s a picture of him awake…

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